Call for Papers Jan 2011

We are very happy to announce the Call for Papers for EuRuKo 2011.

So you have researched something about Ruby, developed a gem, found a unique usage for Ruby or you had a life-changing experience with Ruby. What would be a better opportunity to talk about it than the next European Ruby conference?

Following the good habit of the past years, talks are lined up on a single track. The length of each talk will be 30 minutes including Q&A.

Submit your talk proposal until 22nd of February to Please include a short description of what you would like to present, a one-paragraph bio and your contact details.

After the deadline, we will do our best to pick the most interesting proposals. You will be notified by email about our decision, and the chosen talks will be announced on our website. Speakers will get a refund for their ticket.

So fire up your text editors and get to work — we would love to hear from you!
